COVID-19 measures – Isotopia Molecular Imaging

Theranostics - Isotopia

COVID-19 measures – Isotopia, Israel.

COVID-19 is one of the most challenging pandemics that we have experienced in the last decades and ISOTOPIA is being prepared for these “CORONA DAYS”. We are closely following the recommendations of the public health experts and government authorities.
We are committed to more rigorous work under extremely stringent conditions, in order to provide all our customers and patients with the safest products.
we do our best to ensure the security of supply and have implemented emergency measures that have changed our working processes.

Work from home

Some of our staff are working from their homes. By this, we can decrease the number of people working from their office desk and reduce the potential risk of infection and spreading of the virus.

The stay at home teams are human resources, marketing, customer support and development. Teams working from home are available for you.

Production, shipping, development and service

ISOTOPIA is part of the health system and as a manufacturing business, we cannot complete all our tasks remotely and digitally. As a result, we have kept our production and shipment using 3 different teams working under very strict measures with a complete separation between the teams in order to prevent cross-contamination between the teams.
All bags and pigs are disinfected before delivery, when collected from the customers and before entering ISOTOPIA gate. At this point, we are focusing on core activities to supply hospitals and have postponed development work to a later stage.

These strict measures were applied in order to ensure continuous supply of radiopharmaceuticals both for clinical diagnosis and therapy including 177-Lutetium.

Conferences, business travel and meetings

Business travel has temporarily been suspended for all employees which includes the participation in conferences. Moreover, physical meetings are widely replaced by digital or phone meetings.
Nevertheless, our costumers service personnel are available 24/7 to answer your questions and requests. This is a time to be creative and find alternative ways to keep projects going on.

How can this affect you?

As We put our patients, customers and employees first, we do our best to keep the business running, while assuring best possible safety and health protection.
however, there can be changes or delays due to global logistic issues with our partners and service providers. this will be communicated to you as quickly as possible. Our customers service team will work to find an adequate solution Together with you.

ISOTOPIA management is wishing us all a solid health and together we can go through this crisis that hopefully will be ending soon.

Thank you, stay safe and healthy


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